STUDER XTH 3000-12/5000-24/6000-48/8000-48
STUDER XTH 3000-12/5000-24/6000-48/8000-48
STUDER XTH 3000-12/5000-24/6000-48/8000-48
The battery charge current can be adjusted between 0 and 120Adc. The factory default settings include a battery charge curve best suited for lead acid batteries with gelled electrolyte (GEL). This battery charge curve can be easily adapted to other types of batteries including OPzS, NiFe, Lithium and Redox Flow, to name but a few.
The transfer system is active when an AC power source (generator, public grid, shore power…) is available at the AC input of the Xtender. The transition between inverter and transfer mode is achieved without any power cut and allows up to 50Aac of current to pass through to the loads. Similarly, the transition between transfer and inverter mode is extremely fast (max 15ms), which makes the Xtender suitable for many UPS (uninterruptable power supply) applications.