
Net Metering

In recent years, the use of renewable energy (RES) has been increasingly employing people. This is because renewable energy will never be exhausted as it is with fossil fuels and because they are environmentally friendly because they do not have waste and debris. As far as Greece is concerned, there is a clear Community directive that by 2020 energy consumption from renewable energy sources should be at least 20% of the total annual. What has so far been in Greece?

According to figures released by the Secretary of Energy of the Environment Ministry, Michalis Veríopoulos, we are an energy-consuming country, as we consume 2.1 tonnes of oil equivalent per capita when the average in Europe is below 1.8. At the same time, energy costs are high, about 25 to 30 billion euros a year, reaching 17% of GDP. This is equivalent to € 2,500 per inhabitant, as the Secretary-General stressed.

The solution to all of the above is the widespread in the US, net metering or self-production with energy offset.

In simple terms: A consumer with photovoltaic installations consumes electricity and at the same time generates and stores it on the network. From there, set-off occurs. The term “net” arises from the fact that the consumer’s charge / credit relates to the difference between energy consumed and produced during a certain period of time. The development of photovoltaic systems by autoproducers was introduced by the Ministry of the Environment, Public Works and Public Works (APEIL / A / Φ1 / οικ.24461) and concerns the installation of fixed photovoltaic systems to meet their own needs by electricity consumers, .

Where and how it is applied

In the interconnected system (mainland and interconnected islands)

(a) The power of each photovoltaic system may be up to 20 kilowatts (kWp) or up to 50% of the agreed power consumption of the installation (in kVA), if the latter exceeds 20 kWp.

(b) Specifically for legal entities, public or private, pursuing public or other general interest purposes, of general or local scope, the power of each photovoltaic system may be up to 100% of the agreed power consumption.

c) In any case, the maximum power of a photovoltaic system to be installed under the Ministerial Decision may not exceed the limit of 500 kWp.

Non-interconnected islands

(a) In non-interconnected islands, the capacity of photovoltaic systems may be up to 10 kWp and especially in Crete up to 20 kWp or up to 50% of the agreed power consumption of the installation (in kVA), if the latter exceeds 10 kWp or Crete 20 kWp.

(b) Specifically for legal entities, public or private, pursuing public or other general interest purposes, of general or local scope, the power of each photovoltaic system may be up to 100% of the agreed power consumption.

c) In any case, the maximum power of a photovoltaic system to be installed under the above Ministerial Decision in the Non-Interconnected Islands may not exceed the limit of 50 kWp for Crete and 20 kWp for the other Non-Interconnected Islands.

What are the basic terms and conditions for installing self-produced photovoltaic systems with energy offset?

– The existence of an active permanent supply of electricity in the name of the autoproducer through which the consumer’s installation is fed.

– The photovoltaic system is solely associated with a consumption meter, that is, the meter of the power plant it supplies.

– The photovoltaic system is installed in the same or adjacent space as the consumption facility to which it is assigned (offsetting by consumption of the same natural or legal person in other locations).

– The person concerned has the legitimate use of the system installation area.

– The person has fully paid off his electricity bills

(or has entered into a debt settlement regime).

Where is the link attached and what is attached?

In the case of consumption facilities connected to the LV network, the connection request is submitted to the competent local unit of the ESDP (Area). For connection facilities connected to the MT network, the connection request shall be submitted to the headquarters of the relevant Directorate of the Regional Directorate of the European Network for Disarmament and Related Services for systems connected to the Interconnected Network and to the relevant local unit of the DDDEE for the systems connected to the Non-Interconnected Islands.

The application form is accompanied by the documents and particulars listed in the application form for this stage (models available on the website of DEDDIE, www.deddie.gr).

The connection request is received and registered only if the details of the application, as well as the accompanying documents and data are complete and properly completed.

A prerequisite is that the relevant engineering study has been prepared by an appropriate specialist engineer and that the type of equipment to be installed is selected.

How much does it cost to connect the autoproductive photovoltaic system to the low voltage grid?

For a photovoltaic power up to 55 kWp, the connection will cost 300 €, as long as it does not require replacement of the existing consumption meter, otherwise the connection will cost 370 € for single phase or 390 € in case of three-phase supplies. For a photovoltaic system power of more than 55 kWp and up to 100 kWp, the connection will cost 450 €, while the connection to the Medium Voltage of 650 €. The above cost includes costs

(see questions 14 and 15) as well as the power transformers where required. This cost is conditional on the fact that no network connection projects are required.

Where can photovoltaic systems be installed by autoproducers with energy offset?

These photovoltaic systems can be installed on buildings or on land, or other structures, including those of the primary sector (agricultural warehouses, livestock units, etc.) in accordance with the applicable town planning legislation. The systems are installed in the same space as the drinking facilities they supply or adjacent to it.

Who can install a self-produced photovoltaic system with energy offset?

The right of establishment includes natural persons (tradesmen or not) and public and private legal entities that either own the site in which the photovoltaic system is installed or have its lawful use (for example, through a lease, free concessions, etc.) and have secured the written consent of the site owner. In the case of a photovoltaic system in a shared or shared building space, one or more photovoltaic systems, each of which will be assigned to a single consumption meter, may be installed. Right of establishment in this case is the owners of the horizontal property or the lawful use thereof after conceding the use of the communal or shared space or part of it by the other co-owners. For connection to the provision of parcels the owners of the horizontal properties are represented by the manager. A prerequisite is the consent of all the co-owners of the building, which must be proved either by a unanimous decision of the general meeting or by a written agreement of all the co-owners of the building.
